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Value Added Service in Dubai

Value Added Service in Dubai

Value Added Service in Dubai

Value Added Services are also called premium services. Many Cargo & Storage companies do not restrict themselves to transporting goods, but offer their customers services like picking, packing and quality control. The shipment with an On Board Courier by E Cargo Dubai is a Value Added Service as well.

Value Added Services (VAS) are usually exactly tailored to the wishes and needs of the customer. In most cases, it is an effort to create a more efficient supply chain. But there are other VAS in logistics that are not about optimising the supply chain.

Best Value Added Service in Dubai

In addition to our core solutions, we offer a variety of value-added services to optimise your goods flow. Our freight forwarding specialists are committed to making your global logistics run like clockwork. We are known for our customer-oriented and yes-it’s-possible approach. In order to meet the ever-changing logistics & Storage needs of our customers, we constantly develop and refine our services. We can help you with almost anything related to import and export. Flexibility, as well as seamless integration, is important in providing truly reliable and efficient services. Our value-added services help simplify your transport process and improve your supply chain.

Value Added Service in Dubai: Secure & Simple.

Receiving, inspection and stocking
Full pick, pack and ship
Compliance labeling
Kitting and light assembly
Outbound and returns processing
Quality assurance
Lot control, serialization
Expedited shipment processing